Def Jam: Fight for NY Xbox cheats

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Cheat codes

Select extras at the main menu, then cheats:

Code Effect
DUCKETS - 100 reward points
CROOKLYN - 100 reward points
THESOURCE - 100 reward points
GETSTUFF - 100 reward points
NEWJACK - 100 reward points
LOYALTY - Afterhours - Nyne
MILITAIN - Anything Goes - CNN
BIGBOI - Bust - Outkast
CHOPPER - Chopshop - Baxter
CHOCOCITY - Comp - Comp
AKIRA - Dragon House - Chiang
PLATINUMB - Get it Now - Bless
GHOSTSHELL - Koto - Chiang
GONBETRUBL - Lil' Bro - Ric-o-che
KIRKJONES - Man Up - Sticky Fingaz
RESPECT - Move - Public Enemy
POWER - Original Gangster - Ice T
ULTRAMAG - Poppa Large - Ultramagnetic MCs
SIEZE - Seize the day - Bless
CARTAGENA - Take a look at my life - Fat Joe
PUMP - Walk with Me - Joe Budden

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