Advertising If you would like to enquire about advertising on Level 80 you can now create your own text ad. For all other types of advertising enquiry please e-mail. For the month of January 2025 102,301 pages were viewed and there were 13,777 visits.
Advertising can be arranged across the whole site, just individual pages - or specific sections for example only the Playstation 2 pages or only the PC pages. You can arrange advertising on a monthly, three monthly, six monthly or annual basis (or another time period of your choice). You can choose from text links, image links of various sizes or video. Payment for advertising can be made by PayPal in a currency of your choice (debit or credit cards can be used even if you don't have a PayPal account) or by direct bank deposit/wire transfer.
If you don’t want a text link or image link, but would prefer instead an advertorial or sponsored page then these too can be created. The basic template file for sponsored articles which keeps the look and feel of the site can be downloaded by saving the file at this link. Options for sponsored articles are that you can supply the content or it can be written in house by ourselves. Please note that all sponsored articles need to make it clear to visitors to this website that the sponsored article is paid editorial content (this can be either in the article itself or through the use of an image). Please email if you would like a quote for this (preferably stating the currency you would like a quote for, the number of sponsored post/s and the approximate word length).
Affiliation If you would like to affiliate your site with Level 80 please e-mail with the address of your website.
Link exchange For the HTML code for exchanging links please look at the links page.
Problems with a cheat Please e-mail if you are having problems with a particular cheat and remember to include either the address of the page or the game & platform in your e-mail.
Cheat request You can also request a cheat that isn’t on the site by e-mail - but please remember to include the game & platform you are playing it on.
Cheat submitting If you want to submit a cheat, then please e-mail it. Please also include the name and platform of the game in your e-mail.
Contact details Level 80 Jenmaleo, 134 Boundary Road, Bidston, Wirral CH43 7PH England United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)151 670 9941 E-mail :
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