Gauntlet Dark Legacy PS2 cheats

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Cheat codes

To use any of the following codes, enter them as your player's name. Since they are put on as the name, you can only have one in use at a time.

$10,000 Gold each level - 10000K
9 potions and keys each level - ALLFUL
Invincible Character - INVULN
Invisible Character - 000000
Floating Character - 1ANGLI
Big Character - DELTA1
3-Way Shot Character - MENAGE
Turbo Character - PURPLE
Extra Speedy Character - XSPEED
X-Ray Character - PEEKIN
Supershot Character - SSHOTS
Rapid Fire Character - QCKSHT

Secret Costumes
Each class in the game has quite a few secret costumes. To access these, simply enter the codes below as your character's name. Each six-digit code is one different costume.

Dwarf - NUD069 or ICE600
Jester - STX222 , PNK666 or KJH105
Knight - CSS222 , STG333, RIZ721, ARV984, SJB694, BAT900, DIB626, KAO292 or TAK118
Valkyrie - AYA555, CEL721 or TWN300
Warrior - MTN200, RAT333 or CAS400
Wizard - DES700, GARM00, GARM99, SUM224 or SKY100

The Name Game
If you press X in the name insertion screen when starting a new game, rather than entering a name, the computer will auto-complete it for you. Then, you'll get the lordly title of "Larry", "Chip" or "Chuck." Chuck the Wizard has a nice ring to it.

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