Cheat codes Multiple Cheats While in the game push shift and the tilde key. After doing this the console will be brought down. Now type devmapall. The cheat mode is now activated, so now enter the following codes:
Code effect god - God mode on noclip - Enables player to fly though walls notarget - Enemies ignore you kill - Kill Yourself map saberColor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc timescale # - # can be .5 for 1/2 speed, normal 1 or 2x speed at 2, etc give all - All Weapons and Health/ Armour at Max give health - Health at 100% map (mapname) - Jump to map, see list below give armor - Armour at 100% give ammo - Ammunition at 100% give force - Get force power give batteries - Maximum battery give inventory - Maximum inventory give X # - Give item X (# = amount)(X = weapon) undying - 999 health and armour levelshot - screenshot without console where - Warp Setforceall 9 - this allows you all force powers, along with two new saber styles, and a new Jedi Mind Trick. Jedi Mind Trick now possesses enemies, lots of fun. g_saberrealisticcombat 1 - when you use the lightsaber you'll now chop people in half, chop off their heads, etc. Stormtroopers and such will grab at their chopped off hand as they're dying. setviewpos - ???? force_heal - Use force heal taunt - Kyle taunts (map to a key if you want) victory - End level fly_xwing - Fly an X-Wing drive_atst - Ride an ATST screenshot - Screenshot thereisnospoon - bullet time map pit - go to pit level
Double Light Saber - Multiplayer Only Start a multiplayer game. Select Lightsaber and turn it off (press 1 twice). Activate the console. Type devmap [mapname] (example: devmap ffa_yavin). Type /THEDESTROYER into the console.
Force Powers You can set them to 1, 2 or 3. For example setForceHeal 2. setForceJump setSaberThrow setForceHeal setForcePush" setForcePull" setForceSpeed" setForceGrip setForceLightning setMindTrick setSaberDefense setSaberOffense setForceAll
Map Names kejim_post kejim_base artus_mine artus_detention artus_topside valley yavin_temple yavin_trial ns_streets ns_hideout ns_starpad bespin_undercity bespin_streets bespin_platform cairn_bay cairn_assembly cairn_reactor cairn_dock1 doom_comm doom_detention doom_shields yavin_swamp yavin_canyon yavin_courtyard yavin_final pit ctf_bespin ctf_imperial ctf_ns_streets ctf_yavin duel_bay duel_jedi duel_pit duel_carbon ffa_bespin ffa_deathstar ffa_imperial ffa_ns_hideout ffa_ns_streets ffa_raven ffa_yavin
Spawn Characters npc spawn [character] - Spawn Character (use list below) Stormtrooper Desann GranBoxer Luke Tavion Galak_Mech rodian Lando Reelo ShadowTrooper Rodian2 MorganKatarn ShadowTrooper2 RebornAcrobat MineMonster MonMothma Reborn RebornForceUser Interrogator Jan RebornFencer RebornBoss Atst Kyle Trandoshan Weequay probe Jedi Weequay2 Weequay3 Imperial Jedi2 Weequay4 Gran ImpOfficer JediF Gran2 GranShooter ImpCommander JediTrainer StormTrooper StormTrooper2 STOfficer StormPilot STOfficerAlt STCommander SwampTrooper SwampTrooper2 RocketTrooper
Saber mods To improve the best weapon in the game hold the shift key and hit the ~ key. Then type helpuobi 1. Now if you want the saber to do more damage type g_saberRealisticCmbat (it is space and case sensitive). Then if you want a little more damage, hit 1; for a lot more damage or hit 2 or 3. There is a space between the command and the number. The others work the same just change the last two words.
MoveSpeed - you move faster while swinging AnimSpeed - swings are faster
Easy Way to Kill Shadow Troopers When you are about to fight a Shadow Trooper, force grip them and while they are being held in the air, throw your lightsaber at them. Let the saber rip them apart. That kills them easily!
Good Light saber Attack When you are in a light saber duel, use the A and D keys so you move left and right. Do this while swinging your saber. It will give you lots of good hits, sometimes even one slash kills!
Special Skins During multiplayer mode, press shift + ~ this will open the console where you can enter various codes and binds.
If you enter: -model reborn/boss - you get a cool, shiny, red reborn with a shiny blue arm color -model reborn/fencer - you get a tealish green one -model reborn/acrobat - you get a bluish one -model reborn/forceuser - you get a regular red one -model morgan/ghost - you get Morgan Katarn as a ghost (not to be confused with Kyle Katarn)
Shortcut keys for cheats To place a shortcut key in, hold shift and at the same time press the tilde key (found to the left of the number one). Type in bind X "Y".
X = the key you want the short-cut to be. Y = the name of the cheat. Eg. (bind k "god")
If you press k now, god should be activated.
R2D2 Hold shift + ~, then type npc spawn r2d2. Now you have an R2D2 to battle with.
Play any character setForceAll 1138 - this cheat allows you to play any other character for a brief time when you use F4 (Jedi mind trick on them).
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