Mass Effect PC cheats

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Cheat Codes

Go to Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config on your computer. Open the file BIOInput in any text editor. Under [Engine.Console] add ConsoleKey=Tilde on a line underneath it. While playing the game use the tilde key to open a console. Once it is open, you can use one of the below cheats by entering it at the console window. The cheats are in bold followed by the effect they have on gameplay.

fly Fly mode is enabled which can lead to difficulty with the controls.
GiveAllArmor sd Replace sd with the manufacturer's name, does what the cheat states!
GiveAllGrenades sd See above cheat, but for grenades
GiveAllArmorHuman sd Same as above but for human armour
GiveAllArmorKrogan sd As above but for Krogan armour instead of human armour
GiveAllArmorQuarian sd This is for Quarian armour instead.
GiveAllArmorTurian sd Gives the player every Turian Armour.
GiveAllXMods Gives the player every weapon and armour mod.
GiveAllweapons sd Gives the player every weapon (replace sd as above with manufacturer's name).
givesuperarmor Super Armour
givesupergun Super Gun
givebonustalent # Player receives bonus talent #.
GiveAllBioAmps sd Player receives all Bio Amps (replace sd with manufacturer's name).
GiveAllOmniTools sd Player receives all Omni Tools (see above cheat for what to replace sd with).
giveall Gives player everything except armour.
AdjustCredits number Number is to be replaced with either a positive or negative number, adjusts player's credits by number used.
teleport Player moves to place highlighted by crosshairs.
givexp ? Replace ? with a number, this will change the player's experience points.
setparagon ? Replace ? with a number, this will change the player's paragon points.
setrenegade ? Replace ? with a number, this will change the player's renegade points.
adjustcredits ? Replace ? with a number, this will change the player's experience points.
givetalentpoints ? Replace ? with the number of talent points you require.
walk Return to normal foot control.
initgrenades ? Replace ? with the number of grenades needed.
initmedigel ? Replace ? with the number of medi-gels you need.
InitCredits ? Replace ? with the number of party credits you need.
superspeed Super quick speed
unlockachievement ? Replace ? with a number to unlock that achievement.
ghost This cheat gives you the ability to walk through walls.

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